Ray Aviation Scholarship
from Bob Prange
In January 2025, Chapter 186 will apply to EAA to administer a 2025 Ray Scholarship for a $12,000 flight training scholarship. If we are selected to give another Ray Scholarship, we will begin a search in March for a motivated youth aged 16 ½ to 19 who would like to participate in a concentrated one-year effort to acquire his/her Private Pilot License. The selection process will begin with reviewing questionnaire responses from scholar candidates. We look at a candidate’s motivation, participation level in Chapter activities, level of completion in the Sporty’s Learn-to-Fly video series, participation in Young Eagles flights and Oshkosh Air Academy and any accomplishments toward flight training preparation. Possession of an FAA medical certificate is required for scholarship consideration. That is, a scholar hopeful should already have an FAA medical certificate in March for us to consider him/her. We cannot propose a Ray Scholar candidate to the EAA without an FAA medical certificate.
The scholarship gives $4,800 to start flight training, then requires soloing within 4 months to receive the next $4,800 and then requires completion of the FAA Knowledge Exam within 4 more months to receive the last $2,400. The Ray Aviation Foundation has partnered with EAA’s chapter structure to find and mentor flight training scholars with the goal of an 80% completion rate. Chapter 186 is 5 for 5 with our Ray Scholars beginning in 2019 when the program began. Thanks to all of our Chapter 186 volunteers who keep our Chapter active and visible. That helps us earn the privilege of administering this scholarship.
Chapter 186 applied in January 2025 to EAA to administer a 2025 Ray Scholarship for a $12,000 flight training scholarship. If we are selected in late February to give another Ray Scholarship, we will begin a search in March for a motivated youth aged 16 ½ to 19 who would like to participate in a concentrated one-year effort to acquire his/her
Private Pilot License. The selection process will begin with reviewing questionnaire responses from scholar candidates. We look at a candidate’s motivation, participation level in Chapter activities, level of completion in the Sporty’s Learn-to-Fly video series, participation in Young Eagles flights and Oshkosh Air Academy and any accomplishments toward flight training preparation. Possession of an FAA medical certificate isrequired for scholarship consideration. That is, a
scholar hopeful should already have an FAA medical certificate in March for us to consider him/her. We can not propose a Ray Scholar to the EAA without an FAA medical certificate.