Joint Chapter Young Eagles Workshop from Ann Toole

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Joint Chapter Young Eagles Workshop

by Ann Toole

OctoberSkies was a great joint chapter experiment. It was a gathering of talent and resources with the aim of providing a deeper and more involved aviation experience for high school students interested in aviation.

When four Virginia EAA chapters — 186 National Capital-Manassas, 231 Richmond, 1099 Shannon, and 1563 Gordonsville — that value education and enjoy sharing their knowledge with our youths joined forces with Luke Curtis and his daughter, Kristen of Shannon Airport, Kim Anderson and the Virginia Department of Aviation with the Icon seaplane and a flight simulator, and Jeremy from Appalachian State University, magic and synergies happened.



This was the brain child of Judy Sparks of EAA Chapter 186. Her dedication over the years to promoting aviation is unmatched.

On October 12, 2024, 13 high schoolers worked to create a lighter-than-air aircraft. The lesson came from, and Jeremy and his team did a great job with this lesson! Lots of smiles, fun, and learning were had by all!


After completing the task (all groups came up with different ways!), the groups flew their aircraft around a predetermined course. Courtesy of Luke and Kristen, the students enjoyed a free tour of the Shannon Air Museum and learned more about the history of aviation!

After lunch, students received individual Young Eagles flights, spending lots of time with their pilots and learning more about airplanes and aviation. Students also spent time learning how to read sectional charts and plotting a course to familiarize them with the procedures involved in typical cross-country flights.

At the end of the day all students and adults were happy, satisfied, and exhausted! Everyone left with big smiles and students were overheard saying, “That was great!”

This was a first for us and we can’t wait to do it again!