In the same spirit of volunteerism that we experienced at AirVenture in July, we witnessed an amazing cadre of volunteers earlier this month as we hosted the Ford Tri- Motor tour stop. First of all, Mary Dominiak started working on the operations plan and hangar arrangements months ago when EAA- OSH offered to add Manassas to the Ford’s tour. Between the various ops plans, insurance, contracts, etc. requirements of the Chapter, EAA, the airport, the city and the FBO, Mary wordsmithed many documents and coordinated several efforts to make this tour stop happen.
The ramp always had the required four and often more aircraft and passenger handlers and the administration spots in the terminal were well covered. The food trailer was well-staffed for its two-fold purpose; keeping the troops fed and supplementing the tour income. Hosting the Ford Tri-Motor is a fund-raising event for the Chapter.
Mary can tell us more of the numbers and facts. If I try to thank the volunteers individually, I’ll undoubtedly miss some but I will mention that Pierre Huggins was on the ramp for just about the whole event. Ed, the Tri- Motor pilot gave us very kind complements on our volunteers’ efficient and productive work.
Thank you to all who stepped in to make this another Chapter 186 safe, productive and fun event.
Bob Prange