Our Young Eagles Rally is coming up this Saturdaym July 13 from 0900-1300.
Young Eagles Rally This Saturday 7/13!
***The Chapter 186 Picnic is rescheduled for June 29***
The Chapter 186 Picnic is rescheduled for June 29.
This is our monthly gathering in lieu of a speaker. Please come by for burgers, hot dogs and other goodies. Coffee and doughnuts will start at 10:00. We’ll start to cook around 10:30. A donation will be appreciated to cover the costs. If you would like to help with set-up and grilling, let Judy Sparks know at jhsparks@comcast.net or 703-581-7667.
*The Young Eagles Rally is rescheduled for June 29!!!*
****The Young Eagles Rally is rescheduled for June 29.****
The rally will operate from 0900 to 1300. Registration for parents began at 8:00 AM on Sunday June 23. We ask that pilot and ground volunteers use the yeday.org email request to volunteer again, even if you had already volunteered for June 22.
Air Venture 2024
The annual EAA Chapter 186 Breakfast at AirVenture in Oshkosh will be held this year as usual on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at the Tail Winds Cafe at 8:00 a.m. The Cafe has changed its name many times over the years, but the location remains the same, over by the Forums and Workshops.
Ray Aviation Scholarship
Young Eagles Update from Bob Prange
Aluminum Overcast from Mary Dominiak
From the President
You may recall at our April 27 Member Gathering we had a pancake breakfast in lieu of guest speaker. Young Chapter member Cliff Storey asked if he could bring some slides and present a few minutes of information about his sailplane experiences at Grant County Airport, WV. His topic was so riveting that the attendees kept him for 45 minutes with questions and discussion points. Now Cliff’s dad, John, has informed me that Cliff has been awarded a $2,000 scholarship from the Soaring Society of America (SSA). I believe that will help him finish his glider training at Front Royal. Congratulations Cliff!
Our May 25 speaker was our very own Chapter 186 member, Al Lawless, speaking about the Perlan 2 Project – the world record holding sailplane, the team who built it, and its adventures up to the middle stratosphere. Al Lawless was on the all-volunteer team to help with flight testing and envelope expansion and relayed first-hand accounts of these remarkable people in action.
In the classified section this month look for tools and an RV-10 empennage kit from Chapter member, Ryan Kensrud, relocating to Florida soon without space for a homebuilt project. It looks like a great selection of tools and parts.
We are planning a double event on June 29 both a Young Eagles Rally from 0900 to 1300 as well as our regular monthly member gathering at 1000 which will be a hamburger/hot dog cookout in lieu of a guest speaker. Please come out as we welcome the official start of summer with a cookout. If you haven’t seen a Young Eagles Rally in progress, this will be your chance. Many of our usual grilling and cookout experts are signed up to work the Young Eagles Rally so we are seeking volunteers to help with the cookout. We will have canopies near the builder hangar door to shade dining tables and the grilling station. So, at least come out and eat and if you feel like helping with the cookout, let me know at rsp10000@aol.com or Judy Sparks at jhsparks@comcast.net.
Blue Skies,
Bob Prange
Young Eagles Rally and Chapter 186 Picnic moved to 6-29
Young Eagles Rally for 6/22 Cancelled
Due to excessive heat we must cancel the Saturday June 22 Young Eagles Rally at Manassas Airport. We plan to have a rally on Saturday June 29. Parents, please watch YoungEaglesDay.org for registration to open at 8:00 AM on this Sunday or Monday. Volunteers, look for an email request to volunteer for the June 29 rally. Thank you for understanding.