Eagle Flights

EAA’s Eagle Flights is a way to help an adult who has expressed an interest in aviation to get a free, hands-on flight experience. The goals of the Eagle Flight program are:

1. Engage adults in aviation
2. Increase the number of certificated aviators
3. Create pathways for adults to move from interest to participation in aviation
4. Strengthen the community of aviators

Anyone 18 years or older can participate in the Eagle Flight program. However, the target audience is over 35 years old. This group is most likely to have the time and resources available to be successful through the certification process, and have historically proven to earn their certificate quickly.

The best source of Eagle Flight candidates are Chapter 186 members who can identify family, friends, neighbors and co-workers who have expressed an interest in learning how to fly. They may be someone who has always dreamed of learning to fly, but never got around to trying. Or, they may be someone who started flight lessons, but for some reason, did not finish.

The Eagle Flight is a one-to-one, hands-on experience for the Eagle including extensive preflight, in-flight, and post flight counseling. Though the duration of the flight may be no longer than a Young Eagle flight, the amount of time spent with the Eagle will be considerably longer. Time should be allotted after the flight to answer questions and offer advice about the Eagle’s future as a pilot.

We need pilots to volunteer to conduct Eagle Flights. The pilot requirements and insurance coverage are identical to the Young Eagle program. Our chapter is conducting 1-2 Eagle Flights a month. The Eagle Flight program emphasizes quality over quantity, so we do not anticipate requesting any pilot fly more than a couple of Eagle Flights a year.

To volunteer, please contact Paul Schafer, our Chapter 186 Eagle Flight coordinator, at paul.g.schafer@gmail.com. Please let him know your home airfield.

Eagle Flights FAQs